Wednesday, July 1, 2020

48 Hours After a Job Rejection - Melissa Llarena

48 Hours After a Job Rejection 48 Hours After a Job Rejection The 48 hours after a job rejection are critical. They sting even when you really did not want the job. You spent a great deal of time convincing yourself that you were the best candidate but apparently the interviewer disagreed. Your ego is scarred and you must start all over. Within those 48 hours, you have to decide how to use that negative energy. While working with a number of folks with raw emotions due to job rejections, and who then opted to hire me to change their luck,  here are the three most productive ways that you should spend those first 48 hours.Stop.Don’t do anything the first 24 hours after being rejected. Avoid applying to any job during these 24 hours. Skip job-related calls. Ignore emails. Don’t let that rejection negatively impact new opportunities because it does have an effect on your energy and attitude, whether you believe it or not. A marketing executive I worked with decided to ignore this tip. He opted to aggressively app ly to jobs when he was “dinged.” 24 hours later he reviewed his email sent box and realized that his tone was: too aggressive, arrogant, and that he had misspelled the word “sincerely” three times. Clear your mind, sleep on it, then start fresh on day two.DropOn day two put your head down and write the answers you gave during that “failed” interview (s). Then re-write how you might have made each point more persuasive. Include in this re-writing exercise your elevator pitch as well as the questions you asked each interviewer. When you think about your pitch ensure it shows how you plan to benefit a prospective employer. In terms of your own questions, toss out the ones you can ask any company. Craft more strategic questions that prove you are prepared and smart.***If you need help executing any of these points then take advantage of a free-15 minute consultationfrom a highly-effective career coach.***It was not until I conducted a mock interview with an aspiring wealth m anager that he realized he needed to flaunt his existing client relationships more aggressively.Roll Get even with your interviewer’s firm by rolling up your sleeves and applying to the competition.  You did so much research on the sector and its players; use this information to propel your candidacy elsewhere. Spend your efforts figuring out how you can work for a key competitor and figuratively “take down” the firm that rejected you. Build your new target company list by using LinkedIn. Find the company page of the firm that rejected you. On its company page, you can see where its current employees worked before and where its ex-employees went. Use that data to build a new target company list, then apply using your networks. The moment a client shares their interview war stories I quickly turn them around and have them target the competition. There is no better way to boost your morale than by trying to take down the firm that caused you so much anguish.

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